IAmazing! The words that Dr. Rosenthal at LPCH described Brody as! Just amazing! Each cardiologist Brody
has is surprised that Brody has Hypoplastic leftheart and a mechanical tricuspid valve... Those two are not in the same category! God has a plan that's all I know! A year ago I was beating myself up thinking maybe I did not make the right decision for Brody... But it's all in the plan. Everything happens for a reason... Brody had a very rough road but he has shown everyone is strength, determination and Attitude!
We will head back to Stanford in 3 months for another checkup! As long as Brody continues to do well Dr. Rosenthal thinks we should leave Brody be! Meaning not going to do a heart cath! Meaning we don't have to go to CHOP! It's inevitable that we need another intervention soon but not right now! One day at a time... We are more than thrilled we don't have to put Brody through that trauma again. His cardiologist said " he is still recouperating" he has only been out of the hospital 7 months... His mind body and soul are healing, and we need to let him keep healing! Music to our ears!

We have had an eventful summer! Our family spent a whole week in Vegas for National dance Competition with Star Systems! Our local Balletos Leap of Faith Dance school placed nationally! Was a great experience... We are now (kinda) broke into the dance family thing! Every family that joined Balletos were amazing! It was like our own huge dance family in Vegas!

After Vegas is when we headed to Cali to wait for Brody's Appt at Sanford! While we waited we wasted no time and made sure every day was full of adventure! We went all over Tahoe and San Fran! Each day was a blessing. Plus it was cool! Not 110 everyday!

It was an amazing summer and we spent it together! That's what counts... Wherever we are... We have fun!

These two caught tlfish in Tahoe! They were more than proud! Brody took a whole 15 minutes to real one in... I just let him be:)

Charli and Brody became even closer this summer, with Brody being a bit older and Charli being very patient they were little buddies, now that we're home Brody has a hard time when she leaves!

Melts my heart! We will see how he does when school starts. I'm still debating about pre-school for Brody???

Wishing everyone health and happiness! God is good everyday! Kiss the ones you love