Tuesday, July 22, 2014
It's been a good last few days! Today is starting off even better! One of Brody's heart friends received her new heart last night! There's always hope! We are reminded every single day how fragile life is... I always end my blogs with kiss the ones you love..... we do not know how tomorrow will end, so enjoy each day! Where there's love there's life, Where there's love there's hope! I hope each day is better than the day before:) Brody had a good weekend! We are off Nitric and down to just a little oxygen. The " hardware" on his face is getting less and less. His sump was removed, tube that was draining his belly. He wants to eat and eat but just keeps vomiting. We are working with him... I will clean up and clean up.. If that gets his belly working! He loves eating noodles!! A very special friend delivered some fancy Italian food yesterday Brody is loving it!! Spaghetti is a big hit!
This week we will be preparing to go back under anesthesia on Thursday. No fun but has to be done.. They are hoping they can close his chest completely! Intubation and narcotics and the whole nine yards again on Thursday! They said it should take under an hour so let's hope so! Get his chest closed so we can focus on getting his heart off milirinone. Next week if all goes ok with chest closure they will start to play with weaning his heart meds. Echo is lined up for tomorrow so they can check his function before chest closure and after chest closure. Closing the skin and muscle will put extra pressure on his heart, echo's will give them the information they need to see how his function is affected. Brody is looking more like himself. He did get a haircut... Still have to look good even though we're in the ICU!

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oh my gosh. love you guys and miss you so so much!!!!! kiss my little fella for me please!!!! auntie tara