The last few days Mr. Brody has been doing good! Labs are good! His INR finally came back therapeutic so he gets to get rid of his heprin IV drip!! We are down to just milirinone, and a few intermittent diuretic medication that go IV. Next week they are going to slowly start to wean his milirinone. This is the medication that is helping with the squeeze of his single ventricle. Pray that his heart is strong enough to come off the meds. If his heart isn't strong enough we will have a new plan in place. Either we will be on the road to recovery or we will start to head down a new road. They have mentioned talking to transplant team.. Which I'm really hoping we don't have to go that route. One day at a time. The team here doesn't give me the feel that all is going to be great. They said plan for the worst hope for the best..... So that leaves me with one day at a time! Brody has really perked up the last few days! He's talking, smiling and throwing things at us just like he use to!! We are staying positive and making sure Brody has good days!

His team wants to take him back to the Cath lab to check his pressures and function again, we are holding off and just giving Brody a chance to recoup. He looks great... His numbers are great and he is acting like Brody. Next week when we wean I think we will have a somewhat better idea of what's to come. Right now no one can give me a straight answer... Which I'm taking as they just don't know. As far as Brody goes his team is surprised by his progress even with all the setbacks. One Attending told me that they didn't think he would even come off ECMO! So here we are!

The next few days were just letting Brody be Brody!! He get chocolate pudding for breakfast... And whatever he wants all day!! We play with lots of Monster Trucks, we watch Monster Trucks...we paint Monster trucks, I'm sure Brody dreams of Monster Trucks!!

During the week if were lucky music therapy stops in, which Brody is very receptive to! One of the few very few people Brody doesn't scream at.

Pleaser continue to pray for our boy! Pray his heart heals and becomes stronger. Today is a good day!! Tomorrow will be better!! Kiss the ones you love.
Good news! And such sweet pictures. So good to see that smile! Love and prayers..