All to familiar..... Again feels like we never left. Brody has had an eventful stressful painful last couple of days. We just keep telling him what a strong strong boy he is! Power of positive goes a long way. Brody has no access... So until we got the PICC which was yesterday he needed lab work every 4-6 hours because they are trying to get his blood level to a good place for surgery.
Basically because of his St. Jude's valve he had to stop the Coumadin ( makes blood thin so no clots form on valve) and bridge him to heprin. Surgeons are able to easier control blood levels on heprin vs coumadin. I'm just happy we have the picc and trying to move foward. Having to literally hold your baby down to be repeatedly poked it just awful to say the least. I don't have words to describe how it makes us feel. We do it because it's necessary but still makes me feel horrible.
Brody's gallbladder will be removed hopefully laparoscopically ... They will make 4 injection points in his belly... Air up his abdomen with co2 so they can see the gallbladder and hopefully just remove it with no complications. Because of the Co2 they use to inflate the abdomen it could possibly change the pressure in his chest cavity... If it does they will have to stop the laparoscopic surgery and cut his abdomen. Let's hope for the first one:)

Along with all this Brody has started having fevers... High fevers... Makes him so lethargic.. Then the Tylenol kicks in and he's better until it wears off. So far all cultures are negative... They are assuming it's his gallbladder that's causing fevers. Hopefully after surgery Tuesday he will be on the up and up. Bedsides all the awful here... There is good! We're on the step down unit and not in the ICU!! Brody did a victory lap in the ICU thanksgiving night... He was giving high fives and the Dr's we're hugging us saying how awesome he looks!! The same Dr. That told me to plan for the worst and hope for the best was on that night and in awwww of B!! Was a great feeling!!! For all of us:)

We spend a lot of time playing in the playroom.. Walking the 6th floor and playing hockey and of course riding in a monster truck!

Brody's vocabulary has really improved the last two weeks. Stressful situations I think increase his need to communicate:) we of course are constantly trying to reason with him... But he's 2... They don't reason... And what two year old vocab should include IV fluids... Picc... abd blood work. NO is still his favorite word! We're keeping him busy and trying our best to keep him happy. Hospital life is somewhat of a norm for Brody so he's ok:) Its cold and gloomy here... We can't wait to get back to AZ! Can't wait to get back to our girl! She's having fun with family and with friends.. But still miss her

Hoping for some easier days for this strong little boy!! His heart is looking great and we have actually took away some meds and went down on his heart meds! CHOP is so amazing... As much as we don't want to be in the hospital I'm so thankful we are able to get Brody the best care possible. We met a family last night from Moscow.. People come from all over the world because of CHOP! That's why we're here!!!

Brody is going to lay low today... Eat chocolate pudding and play with dad!! Today is good! Tomorrow will be better. Kiss the ones you love❤️
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