Hoping everyone had a safe Christmas and a Happy Happy New year! I'm ready for a new year! A fresh start.. 2014 wasn't the best year... But it wasn't the worst either! I've been so blessed and feel that there is only good to come. Power of positive remember!!! We celebrated with fireworks and family! Was perfect! Happy new year! Brody says it perfectly!

We made it through the holidays with only a "few" minor bumps in the road. Honestly there is never a dull moment... Never! Charli had her dance recital in December and we made it home just in time. Thank goodness. She did amazing, watching her dance and grow into a little lady is such a perk of being a parent! This picture is perfect... Charli is the flyer in the back right and cousin Emily is the center flyer! This is her Acro Team!

Brody loved the show! He sat through the whole show and applauded enthusiastically at the end of each dance!

What else.. Where do I start? Brody has kept us busy... To say the least:) a great busy. Once we were home Brody had a few setbacks but we managed to stay out of the hospital! First we were home and just playing on the trampoline which we do all the time... Brody fell off... So off to urgent care we went... All was ok but a small fall can mean big problems:) He was telling everyone he back flipped off the trampoline like his monster truck! I'm in trouble with this kid... He really is a rambunctious little man.

The next day after our trip to urgent care we dropped Charli at dance like we always do, went to Corrie's to visit and parked the car.. Got out to get Brody and the doors were locked! Brody still strapped in and perfectly fine! I panicked... My keys were in my hands but would not unlock my door! I have an automatic key but it wasn't being automatic at that particular moment! My phone was in the car! Corrie was not home... It was a mess...luckily there was a landline I had to call 911 to get B out! By this time he was screaming...I kept trying to play peek a boo.. But that got old quick.... The Gilbert Fire came and unlocked the car... It was a whole scene... Brody recouped after catching his breath from screaming for 15 minutes... And even picked a pink hat from the firefighters!
The week was busy... Like I said never a dull moment! I will spare the details of the croup the double ear infections the 2nd trip to urgent care for another fall... I think you can kind of see the picture right? Regardless we're here now and all that's over..
Brody continues to thrive... We have a cardio appointment this Monday to check
His heart function again. When we were in Philly ( the 2nd) time they decreased some of his heart meds... This ECHO will show us if he needs more meds or if he's holding strong! Holding strong is my guess! He has a healthy appetite, still loves his Pad Tai noodles! Plays non stop and just looks wonderful! I feel this appointment will be a good one!!

What else.. Christmas was wonderful we were all together and that's all we hoped for! Brody got entirely way to many monster trucks, even a home made one from dad!
He loves it... Sleeps with them! It's almost like his security blanket! Needless to say there are monster trucks everywhere! And girly stuff too!!!! If you look close at some of the pics Brody is holding a monster truck with blue nails! I have a perfect balance of all girl and all boy in our home:) makes me giggle:)

Wishing everyone a blessed year! Take each day with love... Where there is love there's life!! I truly believe this... My heart
is so full of love... I'm blessed and have everything I need! Much love to all! Kiss the ones you love!❤️❤️❤️❤️
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