Thursday, September 11, 2014

We're home!

Of course were home!! Everyone knows we're home! It's wonderful to be home! The welcome back was so heart warming! We felt so much love when we returned home... Could not have been better❤️ Getting back into the home life is busy! Being gone for almost three months and then just being thrown back into normal life was a bit of a shock... A good shock! We have been busy with appointments for Brody... So far he has good reports!
We are still monitoring Brody very closely... His INR finally reached a somewhat steady number. I'm still of course very nervous with Brody. A simple fall which toddlers do all the times... Could mean a trip to the ER. We of course do NoT want any unexpected hospital visits so paranoid parents is what we will be! 
I've always been somewhat overprotective... Like all mamas.. But mine was just kicked into overdrive! Brody is enjoying life, his sister and his home. Adjusting will take some time, but each day is a little better. He still has some Post Tramatic  Stress from the hospital, so nights are long. He wakes up scared, we turn the lights on, show him
his sister sleeping, I sing to him, we go outside, then all is ok. Time heals all wounds, he just needs some more time to FORGET it all! I hope he doesn't remember anything! The next few weeks will be busy with appointments. Speech therapy, physical therapy, and of course more cardiology appointments. All we can do is hope for the best and love him!
Home life is perfect! There is no place like home! There isn't! We are so happy to be home with our girl!
Brody is full of life! Every day he makes us smile... Charli is enjoying us being back of course, but even Charli needs some time to re-acclimate to home life. Our family is so blessed to be surrounded by such supportive family and friends. This journey was tough but the love that surrounded us made it possible! I truly believe love is what brought Brody thru... What brought us thru... We all have our struggles... Everybody has different struggles in life, if we have love we can get thru it! Love each other, help each other and all things are possible!! The proof is right here!
Just to keep things exciting we held true to our word and we are now +1 in our family! Charli picked out her new puppy last night! She is a Queensland Heeler and proving to be a perfect fit to our family! People keep saying ohh your Crazzy for getting a dog...if we can handle our little boy in the ICU for 9 weeks, we think our little pup will be a piece of cake! Dogs are good for the soul❤️
Happy Friday to everyone! I hope the weekend is blessed. God is Good kiss the ones you love❤️