Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 5 post op! My little insomniac

Ok! B's lungs are doing great almost completely off the oxygen:) he his being weened off all the cardiac drugs and sedation meds so now our little man is awake 24/7 almost! Side effects of withdrawing is insomnia:( we are trying to feed but he has a ng tube inn and he hates it! Imagine a hose in the back of your throat... You wouldn't want to eat either:( so for now were doing his ng feeds, but will be back to bottle soon I hope:) I can hold him now too but it is so hard with all the wires:( he isn't too comfy when I do attempt so I just make his kings chair as comfortable as I can for him! Loving my little man more every second! He does enjoy some Adele tunes and nora jones..I put the iPod next to him so he can have some relaxing tunes!. He has this made:) Thank you for the continued prayers! Love to all:)

1 comment:

  1. <3 Baby B, Bug, Elissa and Seth....sharing this one too, even though it's more like day 9?
