Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Home sweet home!

We are home, life is definitly better at home:) Our journey home started with saying goodbye to the nurses at PCH who took such wonderful care of Baby B..... The nurses all said oh don't worry we will see you soon, as we will be back for a cath and the Glenn sometime in the near future. Then there was Seth fighting with bucking the carseat base into the backseat... I just held our boy and was kinda laughing under my breath.... Super typical of going home, you always see new parents fighting with the carseat! Brody slept all the way home and didn't even wake up once we were home. I was scrambling trying to get situated, not going to lie was stressed and feeling pressure but it all worked out! Got the feeding down, the medications down now just need to sleep.... Impossible for me... I nap here and there and hold Baby B in my recliner at night, I just can't relax!! Brody apparently doesn't have that problem:) He is such a good baby, Big sis Charli is a great helper especially with a two story house, if I'm upstairs whatever I need is downstairs and vice versa so she helps a lot in that department:) being home all together is exactly what baby B needed... So far so good! Hoping and praying the days to come go smoothly! God is good, love to all!

1 comment:

  1. I am so thrilled to see You got home, it has to make a world of difference, like they say "no place like home". Brody looks so good, He is so adoreable. Charli looks super HAPPY your home too, She looks so cute holding her little baby brother, and He sure seems to enjoy Her holding Him. Will keep all of You in my thoughts and prayers, Love to all, Vivian Lynn
