Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Brody Just Being Brody

Brody!!!  When you choose a name for your child you choose a name that you like and that you think will suit them well in life. Brody is now known in the ICU as Brody just being Brody. Yesterday was a great day...
He was out of bed.. Played with some monster trucks and just in general did a few of the  old things he loved... Saying Uhhh---oooo or Ohhhh no... Throwing and crashing his trucks:) We were thrilled. When evening rolled around things started to change. He was fighting a fever again... Agitated... His HR was  in the 190's... Making our hearts pound!!! Then his heart started having some ( scary) arrithymas... They are called Bigeminy arrithmias.. Basically comming from his atrium not his ventricle... Which is another positive, since Brody only has his one ventricle and it wasn't comming from that area they were able to get it under control with a beta blocker. Again yesterday we had a giant step foward... Brody out of bed and sitting on his own was amazing..the doctors and physical therapists were impressed with his strength. Our step back was the arrithmias, but we can deal with a beta blocker, which also surprisingly pleasent brought down his heart rate. A two for one:)))) Today Brody had a wound Vac change on his chest and Surgeon think we may be able to close him by Friday!!!!! The tissue is granulated and healing well. They had to use so much sedation because he is Brody being Brody. He is sleeping it off now and having a blood transfusion to help with his blood numbers. Today was a good day... Hoping for a better ( unevenful) day tomorrow!!! Kiss the ones you love!

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