Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Rest Up Big Boy

Not much has changed since yesterday. Keeping Brody sedated has been a challenge for his team... But they finally got him to a good place. Imagine a two year old waking up while his chest is still open and intubated... Not happy. Although it's a great sign he's a fighter we need him to not struggle, relax and let his body heal and rest. Tomorrow am  they will take Brody back to OR to attempt to close his chest... Once his chest is closed we can make bigger strides ( I hope). He will most likely have a wound Vac applied to his chest, a wound vac will help his tissue heal since his chest has been open for a week. Pray for the fluid around his lungs to improve and for his little body to be strong enough to close his chest tomorrow.  Our little girl left yesterday to go back to Arizona. We already miss her! Can't wait for the day we are all back together and sleeping under one roof. Today was good... Tomorrow will be better...kiss the ones you love!

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