Friday, May 18, 2012

Cath lab and blood transfusion

Today is a day for sure! Our sweet boy is waiting to go to the cath lab so they can take pictures of his heart once they inject dye into it to see the exact flow of blood, but on top of all that his hemoglobin which is what carries oxygen in our blood, is low... So he is getting his first blood transfusion as well! Blood transfusions can be scary because your body can react in different ways... Anything from fevers to rashes, or hopefully nothing at all:) hopefully he wont have any problems and the blood will bring his blood numbers up to where they are suppose to be. Brody also has to get another Iv line in today... He is on a lot of different meds and unfortunately some of the medications are not compatible with each other so each med has to have a different access line, so on top of his umbilical line and his picc line he has to get poked again for another access site, small potatoes I guess but still another poke for our sweet boy:( will keep everyone updated as we go!!!

1 comment:

  1. He looks so good, glad to hear his cathlab came out good.
